In most localities throughout
West Africa, water supply is completely unpredictable. Days and sometimes even
weeks can pass without water, and then it may return only briefly at
inconvenient times. The Development Initiative installs storage tanks to
collect the water when it flows. These tanks provide a free source of water to
poor communities of 500 or more people. DIWA is also dig wells and rehabilitate
bore holes to provide villages with an easily accessible source of safe water. Over
the last 6 years, DIWA has provided 11 wells in rural communities, 30
water tanks to urban slums, and 2 rehabilitated bore holes for the Oru Refugee
Camp, providing accessible water for over 29,000 people in Nigeria. Just
$950 can provide a community a community of 500 with a water tank; $1, 300 can
supply a rural village a modern well.
Excellent work!